What is Breast tax revolt in India? When Channar revolt started?- History

Channar Kranti: Dalit women’s fight for their ‘right to cover their breasts’You must have heard the name of Nangeli. The brave woman of Kerala who cut her breasts, decorated them on banana leaves and presented them to the government servant in protest against the ‘breast tax’ tradition. Nangeli was not the only one to raise …

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Why is Adi Shankaracharya famous? I History I Facts I Jayanti

about aadi guru shankracharya jayanti

It is certainly astonished that a young child has entered the knowledge of Vedas, Upanishads in just 2 years old and enter renunciation in age of 7 years old Age. But it is said that behind every successful man there is a hand of some woman, then the credit for becoming a Shankaracharya also goes …

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Why We celebrate Parshuram Jayanti? II History I Facts I

history and biography of Lord Parshuram

Hello Dear Readers saw the title, So We will describe about History of Lord Parshuram. What is Parshuram the god of? He is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to Mahabharata and Vishnu Purana, the original name of Parashurama was Rama, but when Lord Shiva gave him his weapon named Parashu, his name became Parashurama. …

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Rani Padmavati Real Story II At what age rani Padmavati died? I Facts I

History of Rani Padmavati(Padmini)

What is Story of Rani Padmavati? Rani Padmini was the queen of Chittor. Padmi also known as Padmavati, is believed to be a legendary 13th–14th century Indian queen. Although there is no historical evidence that Padmini existed and most modern historians reject the existence of the 13th century queen Padmavati. The story of the courage …

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Why celebrated Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar jayanti? I Biography I History I

“I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity.” “I measure the progress of a community by the degree to which women have achieved.“ “Religion is for man and not man for religion.“ Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was born in Mhow, located in Indore city of Madhya Pradesh.The name has been changed to Dr.Ambedkar Nagar …

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Why celebrate international Yuth Day? I Swami Vivekananda I History I

Why celebrate international Yuth Day? I Swami Vivekananda I History I

He was a renowned and influential spiritual teacher of Vedanta. His real name was Narendra Nath Dutt. He represented Sanatan Dharma on behalf of India in the World Dharma Mahasabha held in 1893 in Chicago, USA. The Vedanta of India reached every country of America and Europe only because of the oratory of Swami Vivekananda. …

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Who is Maharishi Gautam? The Ancient Sage of India? I History I

Who is Maharishi Gautam

In the Indian sage tradition, the name of Maharishi Gautam is taken with great respect, he is also mentioned in the Rigveda, he was a Maharishi and mantra seer of the Vedic period, his wife’s name was Ahilya, which is also mentioned in Ramayana. . On the occasion of Gautam Jayanti 2019, we are telling …

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When first 3D film release? I History I

When first 3D film release?

Since the late 1800s, people have been fascinated by the possibilities of three-dimensional (3D) cinema. In 1897, Frenchman Louis Le Prince created the first 3D movie, using a camera that projected two images simultaneously onto screens in a theater. However, it was not until the 1950s that 3D movies began to become popular. 3D movies …

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Who is Aurbindo Ghosh? Why Aurbindo Ghosh Famous?I History I Facts I

about Aurbindo Ghosh

Aurobindo Ghosh: Very young age,He went to England for studies at the age of 7 years. Those who had passed the ICS entrance examination after completing the age of 18. Ghosh, who was a brilliant student since childhood, had knowledge of English, German, French, Greek and Italian etc. apart from Indian languages. His father doctor …

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What is Lamassu? Where was the Lamassu found? History I Facts

What is Lamassu?- History

What is Lamassu? Lamassu is a mythical creature present in ancient Assyrian architecture. In the cultures of ancient Mesopotamia, this fearsome creature was known as Lamassu. Lamassu always had the body (and therefore strength) of a bull, but the head of a human ( and hence wisdom). They also often had eagle wings. The Sumerian …

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