How do teenagers act? -Teenage Psychology Facts

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How do teenagers act?

Teens do dramatic, irrational and stupid things because of teen brains. After infancy, the brain’s most dramatic growth spurt occurs in adolescence, and that growth means things get a little muddled in a teen mind. Teen brains are also wired to seek reward, act out, and otherwise exhibit immaturity that will change when they become adults.

Teenage Psychology Facts
Teenage Psychology Facts

What do teenagers worry about?

Teen’s mind can easily distract, or they are easy to be pleased. That’s why at this age they can be mentally easily cheated, and they have a fear of commitments more than any age.

Teenagers find it easy to trust people: And the downside of this is that they eventually get hurt and are not able to build trust as easily as before. But I think it’s a necessary evil to be let down once, and not make the same mistakes again.

There are some interesting facts that can help to understand teenager’s mental psychology

  1. Positive text messages from people you care about can have a positive influence on your body and improve your mood.
  2. Many teens who sleep less than 8-9 hours suffer from irritability, mood swings and even depression.
  3. The maximum number of close relationships/friendships you can maintain is between 50 and 150.
  4. When you’re studying/learning something new, teach a friend how to do it. Let them ask questions. If you’re able to teach something well, you understand it.
  5. Shyness is the curse of every teenager in wishing to have anything like a normal social life. That unfounded anxiety when talking to people, the debilitating reluctance to speak up.
  6. Among high school students, approximately 44% of girls and 14% boys are attempting to lose weight according to a survey.
  7. This period also increases social anxiety in teens.
  8. Teenagers are not as good at reading emotions as adults or even children.
  9. Men are not funnier than women—they just make jokes without caring whether people like it or not.
  10. Over 70 percent of Teenagers aged 15 to 17 avoid normal daily activities, such as attending school, when they feel bad about their looks.
  11. Travelling boosts the brain’s activity and decreases depression.
  12. Dating an awkward person is less stressful. You laugh more and have more fun, which improves quality of life and overall health.
  13. Eating chocolate while studying helps the brain retain new information easily and is linked to higher test scores.
  14. 75% of Teenagers with low self-esteem reported engaging in negative activities like cutting, bullying, smoking, drinking, or disordered eating. This compares to 25% of girls with high self-esteem according to a survey.
  15. The top wish among all teen girls & boys is for their parents to communicate better with them. This includes frequent and more open conversations.
  16. Always give your kid a choice that makes them think they are in control. For instance, when I want him to put his shoes on, I will say, “Do you want to put on your Star Wars shoes or your shark shoes?”
  17. According to a report from Common Sense Media, teens spend an average of nine hours online every day. Today’s teens with smart phones spend a full workday’s worth of time—plus overtime! —online.
  18. A high GPA looks good on paper, but networking and building friendships is what gets you a job.
  19. Studies suggest that overly strict parenting can backfire, leading their kids to rebel.
  20. A girl’s favourite song will tell you more about her feelings than her lips ever will.
  21. If you ask someone to do you a small favour, cognitive dissonance will make them believe that because they did that favour, they must like you. (Ben Franklin)
  22. Teens can become easily obsessed with any things, person, celebrities, TV series than any other age group because of their teen brain’s puberty development.
  23. People remember the first and last things you do, so make a good impression and end on a high note.
  24. The physical effects of stress (increased breathing rate, heart rate etc.) mirror identically the physical effects of courage. So, when you’re feeling stress from any situation immediately reframe it: your body is getting ready for something courageous, it’s not feeling stress. A great example of cognitive reframing, researchers found that you will do better when you appraise a stressful situation as a challenge and not a threat
  25. The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back.
  26. If you make the biggest smile, you can, you will automatically feel happier
  27. Alternatively, you ask them to do an unreasonable task and they’ll say no. So, then you should ask for a more reasonable task and they will be more likely to agree.
  28. Teen’s minds aren’t built to do hard work, they want success easily and rapidly for that they can do anything.
  29. My personal favourite is when people are angry at me; if I stay calm it’ll get them even angrier, and be ashamed about it after.
  30. The top wish among all teen girls is for their parents to communicate better with them. This includes frequent and more open conversations.
  31. Loosely defined as the years between 11 and 19, adolescence is considered a critical time of development – and not just in outward appearances. “The brain continues to change throughout life, but there are huge leaps in development during adolescence”
  32. About 20% of teens will experience depression before they reach adulthood.
  33. Watching scary movies has lasting effects on children and teens, which may affect them well into adulthood
  34. People who are risk-takers in their youth also tend to take relatively more risks than their peers as they age, research shows.
  35. Even teenagers who have to get up early in the morning stay awake till late at night and often face a lack of sleep or a willingness to sleep.
  36. Teenagers are more likely to take more risks than any other age group.
  37. Teens are dealing with a huge amount of social, emotional and cognitive flux and have underdeveloped abilities to cope. They need their parents — those people with the more stable adult brain — to help them by staying calm, listening and being good role models.
  38. Admit when you’re wrong and shut up when you’re right. This is the best way to drastically improve the quality of your relationships.
  39. During face-to-face conversation, touch the person’s shoulder or palm, it makes them comfortable with you. If he/she blinks too much, he/she is more likely to tell the truth and admire you.
  40. Teenagers naturally fall asleep late and wake up late.
  41. Modern teens are smart enough not to smoke cigarettes because they know it can kill them. Instead, they’re addicted to JUUL, a highly potent e-cigarette that might be killing them, but nobody really knows yet.
  42. When you first meet people, try to notice their eye colour while also smiling at them. It might be because you look for a second or two longer, but all I can tell you is that people really respond to it.
  43. The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early days.
  44. Teenagers who do not have positive peer relations with family or friends are at a higher risk of developing substance abuse and depression.
  45. 90% of the time when someone says they have to ask you a question, you recall all the bad things you have done recently.
  46. A man sometimes extends his waist towards a girl if he’s attracted to her.
  47. Get yourself happy and excited before seeing someone whom you want to like you. (They will reciprocate next time you see them.)
  48. Those who use ‘Analog clock’ are more aware of the ‘time spent’ & the ‘time left’ than those who use Digital clock.
  49. 3 out of 4 teenage girls feel depressed after looking at a fashion magazine for only 3 minutes, according to a study.
  50. Larger groups make poorer and more emotional decisions than small groups or individuals.
  51. Teenagers, who have to get up early in the morning or stay awake till late at night, often face a lack of sleep or the willingness to sleep.
  52. A study showed that the percentage of teen girls who feel good about themselves is around 29% compared to boys with 46%.
  53. Life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you’ll never get the same moment twice.
  54. When studying something new, teach a friend about it. Let them ask questions. If you can teach something well, then you will understand it well.
  55. There is an 84% chance that if you’re 16 or older, you’ve met the person you’ll marry.
  56. 7 in 10 girls believe that they are not good enough or don’t measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members.
  57. Online dating and online shopping use the same psychological principle.
  58. Students who write notes longhand remember more and have a deeper understanding of the material than those who take notes with a laptop.
  59. False attribution of arousal. When you take somebody out on a first date, take them somewhere exciting that will get their heart beating such as a roller coaster or horror film. This gets their adrenaline up. It makes them think they enjoy spending time with you rather than the activity.
  60. Teenagers’ sense of smell is less developed than an adult.
  61. If you have a warm hand when you shake somebody’s hand, you immediately become a more desirable person to get along with.
  62. When you’re hurt cursing helps to reduce pain.
  63. People have a certain image of themselves and will fight tooth and nail to cling to it. Use this information wisely. You can make people dislike you by attacking their self-image.
  64. If you’re in a really heated and angry situation, try to avoid the word “you.” The word “you” is not going to help you in any manner.
  65. Sometimes those who don’t socialize much aren’t anti-social, they just have no tolerance for drama and fake people.
  66. It is a myth that teens need less sleep than young children. They need 9 to 10 hours a night, scientists say, although most fall short. Sleep-deprivation only exacerbates moodiness and cloudy decision-making. And sleep is thought to aid the critical reorganization of the teen brain.
  67. Refer to people you’ve just met by their name. People love being referred to by their name and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away.
  68. If you get stuck with two options of any question then the option that comes first to your mind is the correct one.
  69. Suicidal thinking or behaviour is the most common reason for people to be admitted into a mental institution
  70. Teens can grow so fast; their brains can’t keep up.
  71. Forty-one per cent say they have been drunk, and the average age that this group first tasted alcohol was 14.
  72. Girls who have more ‘guy friends’ than ‘girl friends’ go through less depression and anxiety.
  73. The number one reason girls want to lose weight is to look good. Interestingly, the same reason holds true for boys. 52% of girls would like to lose weight, but only 33% think they are overweight.
  74. Studies suggest that writing down your worries before taking an exam can help you score higher.
  75. You will get better quality pictures from an iPhone if you take the picture and then zoom, instead of zooming in first.
  76. 18- to 33-year-olds are the most stressed-out people on earth.
  77. Teen’s minds can easily distract or they are easy to be pleased. That’s why at this age they can be mentally easily cheated and they have a fear of commitments more than any age.
  78. A teenage girl’s self-esteem is more strongly related to how she views her own body shape and body weight, than how much she appears and looks.
  79. As teens become better at thinking abstractly, their social anxiety increases, according to research. Abstract reasoning makes it possible to consider yourself from the eyes of another. Teens may use this new skill to ruminate about what others are thinking of them. Which may be why teens are more likely to take risks when other teens are around.
  80. People who lose their virginity late have a higher income, higher education and a healthier relationship later in life than those who lost their virginity earlier.
  81. Depression may occur in as many as 1 in 33 children and 1 in 8 teenagers in the United States. Once a child or teenager has an episode of depression, he or she has a greater than 50% chance of experiencing another episode in the next five years.
  82. Teenagers will always try to be more of an adult than a child: Sure, they are in the middle of that phase where it’s neither here nor there, but they try their level best to show that they are mature enough to handle everything and anything.
  83. The best way to learn something is to ask for an example. The moment you are given a similar situation, you learn to join the dots and apply a similar solution to the problem you experience.
  84. Teenagers find it hard to read emotions due to the underdeveloped prefrontal cortex of the brain, teens find it harder to read emotions, and have to rely on their limbic system – which is obviously less efficient.
  85. More than 40% of boys in middle school and high school regularly exercise with the goal of increasing muscle mass.
  86. People are extraordinarily aware of their sense of touch. If someone ‘accidentally’ rests their knee on yours, they may not act like they realize it, but they definitely know that it’s there.
  87. Teenagers have poor prospective memories which means they are not very good at holding things in their heads to remember what to do later. When you nag them, it really does go in one ear and out the other. Teaching teens to use props like timetables, planners and checklists can help get them organised.
  88. Avoid the sidewalk shuffle by looking intently over the person’s shoulder or between people’s heads in a group. Your gaze shows them where you’re going. They’ll drift toward the opposing side and create a gap to avoid you.
  89. When a girl tells you about her problems, it does not mean that she is complaining. It means she trusts you!
  90. One in two teenagers feels constant pressure to keep up-to-date with social media. If they don’t keep up, they may miss out on invitations to parties, knowing what’s going on, gossip and the latest trends.
  91. 75% of girls with low self-esteem engage in negative activities like bullying, disordered eating, etc. This compares to 25% of girls with high self-esteem.
  92. Studies have shown that if a girl likes you, she will always play with her hair while talking.
  93. People who play video games often are much more likely to have lucid dreams than non-gamers
  94. Teenage brains are simply wired to seek rewards, a study in 2014 showed. When teens get money or anticipate receiving some, part of their brain that deals with pleasure and reward, the ventral striatum, lit up more than in adults in the study.
  95. Studying for 30-50 minutes with 10-minute breaks is one of the best methods to improve your retention.
  96. A person can share boring experiences with just about anybody. Coffee date, been there. Movies and dinner, done that. Skip all the conventional dates for more exciting experiences together such as skydiving or bungee jumping to create much more special memories.
  97. Unexpected phone calls and texts tend to be the best and can improve a person’s mood and state of mind. Guess who might make your day today.
  98. The moment your alarm wakes you up, immediately react by sitting up, pump your fists and shout “YEAH!”
  99. If you get yourself to be really happy and excited to see other people, they will react the same to you. It doesn’t always happen the first time, but it will definitely happen next time.
  100. Your age doesn’t define your maturity, your grades don’t define your intellect, and rumours don’t define who you are.
  101. Puberty is the beginning of major changes in the limbic system in teenage life, psychologists said, referring to the part of the brain that not only helps regulate heart rate and blood sugar levels but is also critical to the formation of memories and emotions.
  102. Pay attention to people’s feet. If you approach two people in the middle of a conversation and they only turn their torsos and not their feet, they don’t want you to join in the conversation. Similarly, if you are in a conversation with a co-worker who you think is paying attention to you and their torso is turned towards you but their feet are facing in another direction, they want the conversation to end.
  103. People will follow you for only two reasons, whether you are successful or beautiful.
  104. Teen brains shut down when their parents. According to research while listening to their parents nitpicking, certain key areas of teen brains shut down by hearing criticism, and throw a wrench in their ability to process what you’re telling them to avoid the situation.
  105. Most teens may not get enough sleep. Adults usually get to sleep earlier than teens. This happens because a sleep hormone called melatonin is secreted at around 10 pm due to the body’s biological clock. This hormone is naturally secreted a little later in teens, making them sleepy much later in the night.
  106. Chew gum when you’re approaching a situation that would make you nervous. I can’t remember where I heard it, but apparently if we are ‘eating’ something in our brains trip and it reasons ‘I would not be eating if I were in danger. So, I’m not in danger.’ This has helped to calm me a few times.
  107. Foot-in-the-door phenomenon. People are more likely to agree to do a task for you if you ask them to do something simpler first. (Gradual commitment makes people think you like them.)
  108. However, summer is the season that produces the most manic states. Nonetheless, this point and the former appear to be less evident depending on the latitude where people are located. So, the closer people are to the equator, the less they suffer from these types of problems.
  109. Teens love their ear buds, but they’re not always careful with the volume control. Studies have indicated that one in every five U.S. teens already has experienced hearing loss.

Also read – Research Facts of Smoking of the World-Tobacco, Cigarette

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