You must give from empty pockets!

Spirituality invariably consists of pushing the ego to go against itself. You have to fight against yourself; you have to win the inner battle. You don’t like to give because you already feel short of everything. Charity is about challenging this perception of deficiency.

You say, β€œI am so deficient”; the concept of charity says, β€œGive, give and keep giving.” Now, the ego says, β€œI am already so short and deficient, and you are asking me to give and distributeβ€”how do I do that?” The wise answer is, it is when you give without having much that you realise that you have much.

You must give from empty pockets. It is only then that you realise that your pockets are not empty. You have to fight without strength. It is only then that you realise that you are not without strength. It is magical!

If you keep waiting for strength before getting into the fight, then you will never have the strength to put up any fight. If you keep probing your pockets to feel sure that you have enough to give, then that sureness will never come. It is when you give without having that you magically start having much unexpectedly, unreasonably; you wouldn’t even realise where all that booty is coming from. That’s the power of charity.

–Aacharya Prashant

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