Real knowledge is not what you think it to be!

Real knowledge is not what you think it to be!

Now, Rishi’s response to these questions might surprise you!

For us knowledge means: Reading books, getting a degree, using rare and elaborate words from the dictionary, speaking fluently etc., we take such people as knowledgeable, don’t we?

But the Upanishadic Rishi says, β€œAt the heart of all the changing things of this world lies the same unchanging core, having this realisation is the real knowledge.”

On looking at the way Rishi defines β€˜knowledge’, by now you must have also understood what β€˜ignorance’ is.

Do you see…

All those you thought to be knowledgeable till date,
have been declared ignorant with this single statement!

All the ways you claimed to know to get knowledge
have been declared pointless with this single statement!

-Aacharya Prashant

Also read- What does yoga mean? I facts I benefit of yoga

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